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Welcome to Mr. Ben Parrish: PTSC Weekly Update

porter-township-schools-logoMr. Ben Parrish began today in a new role--he will now be the PTSC Assistant Superintendent overseeing our Alternative School Program, our High Ability Program, School Safety, and other key district functions. As you may know, Mr. Parrish was previously the Assistant Principal at Boone Grove High School and most recently was the Assistant Director of Facilities. It is great to welcome Mr. Parrish to a new role in the district!

PTSC Standouts:
Congratulations to Kerrie Schludecker who was named as a member of the IIAAA/IHSAA Athletic Directors’ Advisory Committee. Ms. Schludecker is the Senior District 1 Director for the State of Indiana. Way to go!

Email PTSC standouts to Dr. Schmidt at stacey.schmidt@ptsc.k12.in.us.