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What Does the Word “Community” Mean to You?


Conner Sunday asked his friends - What Does the Word "Community" Mean to You? Interesting answers in his article - some honing to a more traditional definition, and some with a more personal interpretation.

What Does the Word "Community" Mean to You?

What Can We Learn From What "Community" Means to Others?

Madison Olsen: An interacting population of like-minded individuals, affecting the identity of the given members and also their cohesiveness. In gaining similar social perceptions gives them a sense of solidarity that may or may not lead in the exclusion of other individuals that do not share one or more of their like-mindedness.

Julia Sobek: Community to me is the conjunction of people who share an environment, interacts with each other on a regular basis and commonly share the same culture.

Ashleigh Schneider: Community to me means a group of people who interact with and support each other.

Addison Christine Tompi: A group of people that interact, that live in a close vicinity and who also share common values.

Mary Bobos: When I think of a community what comes to mind is a neighborhood, everyone knowing, and caring for each other and the environment around them.

Gabrielle Erftenbeck: A place in which individuals live and interact with each other on a regular basis, whether it is interaction through common interests or by pure coincidence that creates a living environment for all to live and share with one another.

Emily Roth: A group of people who work towards a common goal and support each other along the way.

Elly Colon: Community is a group of people working towards a common goal together, helping one another along the way.

Brandon Puszkiewicz: Something that should be shared with family, friends, and neighbors…like food or drink.

Megan Harsh: A community is people who care about and help each other.

Mary Kate Misch: A community can range from a single person to a whole society that supports you in everything you do and tries to make its members/friends better people in the long run.


We have had a bunch of folks jump in via their Facebook comments and add in their own thoughts below that you can read.  We'd like to hear from you.  What Does the Word Community Mean to You in Your Words?