The Westchester Intermediate School sixth grade band put on their spring band concert this past Thursday at the school. Students in the group began studying their chosen instrument at the beginning of the school year just seven months ago and this event marks the third of four concerts scheduled for the WIS band this year.
The audience was treated to three music selections including “A Shaker March,” arranged by John Kinyon; the familiar melody of the American folksong “Shenandoah,” arranged by Michael Sweeney; and a haunting production piece reflecting sounds of native America entitled, “Spirit of the Wolf,” composed by Michael Oare.
The fourth and final free concert on the band’s schedule will take place at Chesterton High School on Thursday, May 30 at 7:00 p.m. The Westchester and Liberty Intermediate School bands will combine to perform as one mass ensemble for this event. Also performing in this concert will be the seventh and eighth grade bands from Chesterton Middle School along with the Chesterton High School Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Bands.
Members of the Westchester Intermediate School sixth grade band include: Sophia Acevedo, Victoria Adams, Fatima Ahmad, Sabrina Ali, Agia Amezcua-Bone, Alexis Autenrieth, Hailey Ayala, Hale Barton-Damsch, Charlie Bernth, Kris Bodie, Carissa Carter, Emily Cerceo, Alyssa Cole, Geof Cook, J.D. Cory, Anjali Dziarski, Dani Else, Alex Fine, Kaila Gallina, Hanna Garriott, Shanya Hamilton, Hannah Hill, Nathan Holt, Sam Houghteling, Hollie Jones, Kearra Kaufman, Jakob Kurdys, Adison Lesko, Matt Malave, Teagan McCall, Adeline McElfresh, Logan Miller, Nicholas Mullen, Emma Olson, Anna Parkinson, Madelynn Pepin, Alexis Polite, Zoe Quick, Ricardo Rosenau, Kali Sarver, Alexis Smith, Sam Stricker, Aliza Tannish, Alyssa Thompson, Hunter Torres, Codie Wallace, Nick Wells, Brooke Wilson, Branden Wong and Mikaela Yoder.
The director of the Westchester Intermediate School Band is Michael Scheiber. For additional information about any of music events hosted by the Duneland School Corporation, please contact the CHS Music Dept. at 983-3730.