Home»Community»Worship»World Travelling Preacher and Pastor Brings Gospel Message to Valparaiso

World Travelling Preacher and Pastor Brings Gospel Message to Valparaiso

Vale-of-Christ-KeithA preacher who has spread an inspiring message of hope and faith across the world – including China and Slovakia – will be at Vale Church of Christ in Valparaiso for a week long Bible study and revival.

The public is invited to hear Keith Barclay as he challenges and encourages people to become true servants of God, following Jesus Christ. There is no cost to attend and visitors are reminded they are not expected to contribute to the collection.

Barclay will speak at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Sunday September 21, and at 7 p.m. on September 22, 23, and 24 at Vale Church of Christ, 1502 Silhavy Road in Valparaiso. All are invited to attend one or all of his studies/sermons, each of which will be different.

Barclay, a preacher, shepherd, Bible student and, preaches at the Bloomington, IL Church of Christ.

For more information, call (219) 477-4874 or visit www.ValeChurchofChrist.org.