Event Information
Thu, Dec 5; 2:30 pm, St. Mary Medical Center, 1500 S. Lake Park Ave., west entrance, Hobart
The Angel Tree program allows participants to honor or memorialize a loved one during the holiday season. For a $10 donation, an angel is placed on the Angel Tree at the hospital’s west entrance lobby. Personalized angel cards are sent to honorees or families to commemorate the event. For a $20 donation, the donor also receives an additional beautiful angel ornament. The donations help to support the St. Mary Medical Center Auxiliary scholarship
program. Visit comhs.org and click on “Donate” and St. Mary Medical Center for a donation form or call 219-947-6011. Note: Names received after Fri, Nov 15 cannot be guaranteed a listing in the Angel Tree
Lighting Ceremony program book. Payroll deduction is available, call 7-6011 (Melina Dixon) for more information.
St. Mary Medical Center
- 1500 S. Lake Park Ave
- Hobart, IN 46342