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United Way of Porter County Virtual Day of Caring event beginning August 7

United Way of Porter County Virtual Day of Caring event  beginning August 7

Event Information

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United Way of Porter County is hosting a social distancing version of their Day of Caring volunteer event beginning Friday, August 7. This annual celebration of volunteerism will start with a virtual kick-off breakfast followed by a month of social distancing volunteer opportunities that can be done at home, in the office or in small groups at area nonprofits.

The virtual kick-off breakfast begins at 9 a.m. on Friday, August 7. Participants are encouraged to grab their favorite breakfast treat and wear their favorite Lived United t-shirt. Kick-off and volunteer registration is required. Additional information about kick-off and volunteer opportunities will be provided to registrants in early August. To register, visit unitedwaypc.org/Day-Caring.

United Way Northwest Indiana

951 Eastport Center Drive
Valparaiso, IN 46383
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