
Memorial Elementary Helps Haiti

By: Memorial Elementary School Last Updated: March 17, 2010

The students of Memorial Elementary recently joined together to help in the Haiti crisis. memorial-elementaryOver the past two years, the Memorial Elementary Student Council, led by third grade teacher Mrs. Coyle and fourth grade teacher Mrs. Gott, held a Valentine’s Day fundraiser.

The students were able to purchase a “candy-gram” to send to their friends during the Valentine’s Day party but instead of candy, they sent “smencils,” scented pencils made out of recycled newspaper in a plastic case. The “smencils” keep their smell for several years and feature different scents: cotton candy, watermelon, bubble gum, and root beer are just some of the scents.

memorial-elementaryThis year, the school raised $250 from the fundraiser. After discussing where the money should be donated, the students came to an enthusiastic consensus: donate the money to help Haiti. On Wednesday, March 17, Deb Townsend from the American Red Cross came out to the school to receive the check, presented by the Memorial Elementary Student Council. She also informed the students about the poor living conditions in Haiti and how their money would help to buy water, tents, food, and go towards the cost of rebuilding. The kids were amazed at how far their donation would stretch.