Last spring, Memorial Elementary students participated in a service learning project benefitting servicemen and women. The Memorial Elementary Student Council partnered with the organization Operation: Quiet Comfort. The organization collects...
Memorial Elementary School
At Memorial, Mrs. Misecko is a Marvelous Leader!
Memorial Elementary School in Valparaiso has been recognized with many big accomplishments recently. Memorial is a Four-Star School. Memorial was also awarded a 2015 National Blue Ribbon School Honor last fall. The most recent celebration taking...
Memorial Elementary Fourth Graders Practice Mapping Skills
Fourth grade students at Memorial Elementary had the opportunity to connect with Indiana's geography in a unique way. A giant map of Indiana created by Ken-Simmons and sponsored by the Geography Educators' Network of Indiana was rolled out onto the...
It Takes a Village for High Achievement
Memorial Elementary was recently announced as a 2015 recipient of the National Blue Ribbon Award for Exemplary HIgh Achievement. This award is an honor for the school and the corporation. We are proud to be selected. Since the announcement, many...
Memorial Elementary School in Valparaiso Receives National Blue Ribbon Recognition from U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan
Memorial Elementary in Valparaiso was recognized by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today as he recognized 335 schools as National Blue Ribbon Schools for 2015. Memorial Elementary has earned this award for overall academic excellence. All...
Memorial Elementary 3rd Graders Zoom across the Curriculum in Music, Art and Literature
3rd Graders at Memorial Elementary School have been studying the names of the lines and spaces of the treble clef in music. Mrs. Larson, music teacher - introduced students to the letter names of the treble clef lines and spaces through the book...
Memorial Elementary is on the Hunt for Kind Words
There was an Egg Hunt of a different variety taking place at Memorial Elementary School on Friday, April 3, 2015 . It was a hunt for kind words and sweet phrases instead of sweet treats. Memorial Elementary Kindness Keepers is an organization...
Memorial Kids Being Kind
Kindness has become very cool at Memorial Elementary, and the staff and students are rising to a new challenge. The Kindness Keepers, a student club, has challenged the school to “21 Days of Kindness” from January 12 to February 2. During the 21...
Memorial Elementary 2015 Discovery Fair
Memorial Elementary is having our annual Discovery Fair today. Students in all grades (K-5) are invited to submit a project of discovery. It can be in any subject and the students can share the project with friends and siblings. Families are...
Memorial Elementary Salutes Our Veterans
On Friday, November 9th, Memorial Elementary held an assembly, like many schools across the country, to honor our American Veterans. Students sang patriotic songs and presented readings that exemplified the importance of the brave men and women in...