Markets and Investing

Navigate 2023 with financial tips from Oak Partners’ Jack DeHaven

Navigate 2023 with financial tips from Oak Partners’ Jack DeHaven Between finding ways to save money, navigating the ever-fluctuating investment market, and planning for retirement, managing your finances can be intimidating. Fortunately, Oak Partners Wealth Advisor Jack DeHaven has a few financial tips on how to...

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Allegius Credit Union’s New Member Referral Program proves beneficial for new and existing members

Allegius Credit Union’s New Member Referral Program proves beneficial for new and existing members Finding a place to store your savings and livelihood can be challenging. In addition to simply finding an institution they trust, those looking for a bank or credit union must also consider added fees, interest rates, and other factors that may...

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Set yourself up for a successful financial future with Allegius Credit Union

Set yourself up for a successful financial future with Allegius Credit Union Nowadays, financial wellbeing remains high on the list of priorities for many residents who are part of Northwest Indiana’s workforce. Allegius Federal Credit Union offers members in Porter, Lake, and La Porte counties a safe, secure way to grow...

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Mind on Money: Stock buybacks can be good corporate policy

Mind on Money: Stock buybacks can be good corporate policy In the realm of quotable quotes, iconic investor Warren Buffet is in my opinion the crème de la crème. Buffet, now 92 years old, emits the wisdom of free enterprise like Yoda himself, often providing the most candid, crustiest and funny material an...

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Allegius Credit Union offers unparalleled benefits to help members feel like a million bucks

Allegius Credit Union offers unparalleled benefits to help members feel like a million bucks Money is valuable. It causes and solves problems, divides and unites people, and breaks and creates boundaries. Money is powerful, which is why it’s so important to put it in a place that will treat it as such. There are a few ways to handle money....

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First Trust Credit Union dismisses common credit union misconceptions

First Trust Credit Union dismisses common credit union misconceptions Unlike traditional banks, credit unions are cooperatives, and they strive to support and advocate for their members (customers). Unfortunately, many people, who are eligible to join a credit union can fall prey to several of the common misconceptions...

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