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#1StudentNWI: Saying the Last Goodbyes at Washington Township High School

#1StudentNWI: Saying the Last Goodbyes at Washington Township High School

The school year is winding down and it is about time to say goodbye to the seniors. Thursday is their last day of high school. Some of them are sad while others are happy.

Senior Kelby Cunningham says, “At this point in time I am having a mix of emotions. I am sad to be leaving high school but I am happy to get out of here”.

Bobby Hartman, also a senior is relieved to be out of high school, but is sad about leaving his teachers, friends, and even underclassmen. He also says he’s upset because he can’t do same things from high school in college.

Bobby says, “The biggest thing I am going to miss is playing sports at a high school level. Also all of the trips we got to go on in high school”.

It is hard being a senior and leaving all of your childhood friends and teachers behind.

Graduation is on June 11, 2016, so that is the last day they will all be together. After that day, some will be going to college in another state and others will be staying close to home.

Summer 2016

After all, finals are over on Thursday, summer will officially begin. It seems like school just started yesterday and now it is already over. Many are stressing over finals while the rest are dreaming about big summer plans like junior Jamie Trunick.

Jamie says, “I will probably be working a lot. At the end of the summer though I do have a dance camp and spend on spending time with my friends”.

Being able to drive and old enough to hang out with friends means having a job is an essential.

Junior year for Jamie was okay. There was a lot of stress with school and keeping her grades up so she is ready for a break.

Next year Jamie will be a senior and is kind of scared. She wants to be out of high school but knows that once it is over there is no going back. She is a little nervous to start applying for college and actually figuring out what she wants to do with her life.

On the other hand Sophomore Joseph Funk’s plan for summer is to just go with the flow. He plans on going to the beach every now and then but doesn’t really have anything big plans. Next year Joey will be a Junior and is ready for it.

He says, “My words of advice to the underclassmen is that it is not that bad, suck it up and get your work done and you’ll be fine”.

Summer is on its way here and before we know it it will be the beginning of next school year. Time flies and the moral of the story is to appreciate every second of it.

Saying Goodbye to Mr. Hale

This year is Mr. Hale’s last year being a principal at Washington Township. After ten years he has decided to retire. The last days of this year are winding down so it is time to say farewell to Mr. Hale.

He says, “The thing I am going to miss the most about being principal at WT is the daily interactions I had with the students and staff."

He is really going to miss being busy and talking to everyone everyday. Seeing students mature and helping to guide them along the way was and always will be his favorite part.

“My last words to the students and teachers at Washington Township are to continue to learn and take risks so that you can reach your true potential,” he says.

Mr. Hale will truly be missed. During his time at WT, he has made so many memories and has started traditions along the way. Everyone would also like to thank Mr. Hale for his time in the Marines. Thank you to Mr. Hale for being a great principal.

Beatriz Damini

Beatriz Damini is a senior at Washington Township. She is originally from Brazil and has joined the foreign exchange student program. She has spent the last semester of her high school career studying at WT. Some other students from Brazil are here in America with her, however, she is the only one at Washington Township, making her even more special.

In Indiana, she is living with a host mom and really appreciates all that she has done for her. While at Washington Township she received a varsity letter for track and field and is a part of the high school choir. While here, Beatriz has made unforgettable memories with new lifelong friends. Her experience so far has been awesome. Her favorite food in America is mac and cheese.

Besides eating her favorite food, she has done so many other cool things. Last month she attended prom with one of her friends and just recently Beatriz went on the annual senior trip to Washington DC for a week. Going to Mt. Vernon was her favorite part because of how beautiful the scenery was.

After her graduation on June 11, 2016, she will be leaving to head back to Brazil to reunite with her friends and family. Fortunately, she plans on coming back to America but would really like to travel to other states, like Pennsylvania.

Beatriz’s presence at WT was special to everyone who has who has had a chance to talk to her. She is truly a genuine person and will be deeply missed by all of her friends she has made while in America.