Over the Summer Spanish Field Trip Now that summer has begun, the Washington Township Spanish program is on their trip to Puerto Rico. Many students worked the whole year to save up money to travel down to Puerto Rico. Other students decided to go to...
Marissa Brys
#1StudentNWI: Saying the Last Goodbyes at Washington Township High School
The school year is winding down and it is about time to say goodbye to the seniors. Thursday is their last day of high school. Some of them are sad while others are happy. Senior Kelby Cunningham says, “At this point in time I am having a mix of...
#1StudentNWI: Group Projects and Traveling Abroad at Washington Township High School
Long Journey to State Last summer the boys baseball team ended their season with a bang. They went to semi-state and ended up losing however WT was very proud of how far they went. This year’s season has just begun. Let’s see if these boys will...
#1StudentNWI: Students Remain Busy at Washington Township High School
Tests Are Never Over Every high school student remembers taking ISTEPs in middle school. Those three days were exhausting. Well, this year’s freshmen and sophomores thought it was over, but they thought wrong. Starting this year sophomores and...
#1StudentNWI: Students Discover Fame and Success at Washington Township High School
2016 ISSMA Winners! Last weekend in Indianapolis, four girls from Washington Township competed in the ISSMA Choir competition. Sydney Evans, Jude Connelly, Maddisen Mrotek, and Juna Johnson all received gold medals. Junior Sydney Evans sang a solo....
#1StudentNWI: Sports Begin Again at Washington Township High School
‘See You at the Beach’: PCC Week This is the week that everyone has been waiting for. It's PCC week for all members of the Porter County Conference. Both boys and girls basketball teams compete for the Golden Ball conference trophy. This is the...
#1StudentNWI: Enjoying the Free Time Until the New Year at Washington Township High School
Two Weeks of Winter Fun At the end of December, starting on the 19th, staff and students will be on break for two weeks. It is a time for everyone to be with family for the holidays. Many students have fun plans however others prefer to use this time...
#1StudentNWI: Giving Thanks at Washington Township High School
FCA at Washington Township This is the first year of FCA at WT. FCA means Fellowship of Christian Athletes. This international non-profit ministry is focused mostly on teens involved in athletics at the school. The whole point of the club is to get...
#1StudentNWI: Fun Events and Great Students at Washington Township High School
Fall Sports All-Conference Winners Since all of the fall sports are coming to an end, it is time for all PCC conference coaches to vote on who will make this year’s all-conference team. To be a part of the all-conference team, different PCC coaches...
#1StudentNWI: Fun Events Happening at Washington Township High School
Running Through the Year With a 7-2 record, the WT high school boys cross country team is doing well above average this year. Their only two losses have been conference, but that won't stop them. So far this year they have won the Kouts and...