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Acting Out Wellness

HappySticking our own balance and bring in harmony with yourself brings psychological benefits. The benefits can be seen through our actions and are key to having good rapport with people we come in contact with.

Bottom line, when we are well and feel good, our temperament and disposition follow naturally. This even includes a better relationship with our environment.

When we are well, we are more efficient and effective. We tend to RESPOND rather than REACT. We are actually more capable of making complex decisions because our concentration and resistance to stress is improved.

Wellness can also heighten creativity. All of these attributes can help us not only be a good friend, loving family member but also a productive asset at work.

Get well. Be well. Stay well.

Marci-CrozierMarci Crozier was a popular contestant on NBC's The Biggest Loser - Season 11. She was the first woman in BL history to reach her goal weight while still at the BL ranch. Marci's expertise in the fitness and weight loss industry was developed during her 28 years as the General Manager of a large, regional fitness facility in Indiana. She is a highly respected, engaging motivational speaker who has inspired sales teams, business professionals, and student athletes, as well as those individuals struggling with personal fitness and weight issues. View her blog here!