Yes. Staying hydrated is important before, during and after exercise. We need enough water to maintain a normal body temperature and avoid overheating. Overheating can be dangerous. Drinking plenty of liquids counter balances the loss of fluids...
Marci Crozier
Stomach Fat
Many people have asked me how my stomach became flat…first of all, it has a ways to go. They ask me what exercises to do to achieve this goal. It is impossible to “spot reduce”. In other words, you cannot reduce isolated areas by doing specific...
Acting Out Wellness
Sticking our own balance and bring in harmony with yourself brings psychological benefits. The benefits can be seen through our actions and are key to having good rapport with people we come in contact with. Bottom line, when we are well and feel...
Training Basics
If someone tells you, “no pain, no gain”, walk away. Today you can achieve good results without “overdoing it”. We can thank the good research in the sports medicine/fitness industry to know that exercising at the proper intensity will allow...
Lifestyle Choices
People have asked me about lifestyle choices. Some think they are just about eating right and exercise. I wanted to list all lifestyle choices that can cause health concerns so you have them all in one place. If you think I missed anything, please...
On Medicines…
The day I walked on the Ranch, Dr. Huizenga took away my medicine. I was taking medicine for my high blood pressure and Xanax for anxiety. Honestly, one of the things I am most proud of is that I have not taken any prescribed medicine since that day....
Many years ago, I asked our Pastor about Prayer. I really wasn’t sure how to pray and what I should say. He gave me some words of wisdom and I wrote them down and saved them. The other day I was looking through my daughter Casey’s devotional...
On Motivation
Motivation is a topic near and dear to me. Many people have asked me to help them get motivated. I always refer to them deciding in their “gut” what their POWERFUL WHY is and think about it every day. Ask the question, “This year I see myself...
Self Esteem 101
People write me every day and they put themselves down!!! I don’t like it. How does someone expect to develop high self esteem if they repeat negative phrases about themselves and their abilities? This has to stop…FIRST in our Self Esteem 101...
Visual Cues for Serving Sizes
Eating foods you like, preparing them properly (low fat) and PORTION CONTROL are keys to your healthy nutrition plan. Here are a few “cues” for serving sizes to keep in mind: Baseball or light bulb = 1 cup Tip of thumb or half dollar = 1tsp Whole...