Home»Other»Cub Scout Pack 924’s Blue & Gold Banuqet Celebrates Armed Forces

Cub Scout Pack 924’s Blue & Gold Banuqet Celebrates Armed Forces

Cub Scout Pack 924 celebrated their Blue and Gold Banquet with an Armed Forces themed event on February 24, 2012. The Junior ROTC drill team from Portage High School gave an incredible performance. The Cub Scout Pack gathered items to fill care packages to be sent to soldiers serving overseas. Included in the care packages were individual letters written to the soldiers by the 160 people in attendance at the event.

The evening highlights also included the bridging ceremony of twelve 5th grade Webelos Scouts who all earned their Arrow of Light awards. This is the highest level of achievement for a Cub Scout. These boys graduated from the Cub Scout Pack and are now entered into a Boy Scout Troop. The evening was catered by Ruge's.