The Nourish Benefit, held Sunday, January 13, featured a collaboration between Don Quijote, Bistro 157, and Bon Femme in an effort to raise money for the Maule family and celebrate the joys of life. $10,500 was raised to support the family! The...
Theresa Potesta
Cub Scout Pack 924’s Blue & Gold Banuqet Celebrates Armed Forces
Cub Scout Pack 924 celebrated their Blue and Gold Banquet with an Armed Forces themed event on February 24, 2012. The Junior ROTC drill team from Portage High School gave an incredible performance. The Cub Scout Pack gathered items to fill care...
A Special Shout-Out to YMCA’s Michigan Wolverines Team!
A special shout-out goes out to the Valparaiso YMCA’s Michigan Wolverines basketball team, comprised of some talented 1st and 2nd grade players! Great job this season to Michael, Matthew, Jillian, Connor, Norah, Grace, Joseph, Eric, Austin, and...
Potesta Boys Christmas Tree Adventure!
December 2011 was the first year Nathan & Connor cut down their very own Christmas Tree! When we arrived at Guse Farm, the first thing they handed Nathan & Connor was a saw! Then the friendly gentleman asked us to select the type of tree we...
Overcoming Life Obstacles Fuels Marathon Run
Last year my good friend Natalie Danko wrote 26.2 reasons why she ran the 2010 Chicago Marathon on 10-10-10. This year she will be turning 30 and happiness is surrounding her life now! Congratulations to all of the 2011 Chicago Marathon Runners!...
Chesterton Students Take an Apple Tour at County Line Orchard
62 second graders from Jackson Elementary School learned all about apples and more on a recent excursion to County Line Orchard. Orchard employee Adam led the kids on their tour, first teaching the importance of honey bees. The children were able to...
Introducing “Running for Life” Porter County Running Program
"Running for Life" is a new Porter County running programs structured to help you cross your first 5 mile race on September 10, 2011. Along the way you will be motivated by RRCA certified coaches. We will guide you in all aspects of running from...
Warrior Dash Is Not for the Faint of Heart
The Warrior Dash is a Mud-Crawling, Fire Leaping, and Extreme Run. This Fierce Running Series is held on the most Challenging and Rugged Terrain across the Globe. Warriors conquer extreme obstacles, push their limits and celebrate with music, beer...