New Look at the CHS Career Center

New-look-at-the-CHS-Career-CenterThe Chesterton High School Career Center has taken on a whole new look. The makeover includes new café style table and chairs and iPad Minis that the students can check out while in the Career Center. Students can now do searches for scholarships and colleges, and preparing for the SAT/ACT on iPad Minis in a comfortable atmosphere.

The area will also include coffee and tea for purchase. Parents are also welcome to use the new Career Center and are asked to sign in at the Main Office before proceeding to the Center.

Pictured in the new area with the new Minis are, clockwise from left, Kylee Barnett, Principal James Goetz, Marissa Kroeger, Director of Guidance Dianna Whitman, Rebecca King, Career Center Specialist Gretchen Arthur, Bobby Allison and Duneland Technology Director Kevin Wilson.