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Oak Partners: Don’t Fear Retirement

Oak Partners: Don’t Fear Retirement

Retirement can be a difficult step for some people. It's a grey area and when a person gets to retirement, they aren't quite sure what to do with themselves, with their money, and with their future. We at Oak Partners are here to help bring light to that murky grey area.

We have lots of tools that you can utilize right from your smart phone, computer, or other electronic device. Just click over to Oakpartners.com to see what we have to offer.

We have lots of great articles for you to peruse. In our article titled “9 Facts About Retirement”, we have neat facts that you will find quite intriguing. Did you know that according to the U.S. Census Bureau nearly 81% of centenarians (people over the age of 100) are women? Or that the first person to ever receive Social Security benefits was named Ernest Ackerman? He worked for one day under Social Security and made $5 (this took place in 1937), paid 5¢ and got a one-time lump sum of 17¢.

And to help ease your mind about retiring, in our article "Certain Uncertainties in Retirement", we address two real concerns: tax structure and market uncertainty. It’s so important to be mindful and responsive to the ever changing markets and tax landscapes.

Click here to read all of our retirement articles.

A question that more and more people are asking these days is, “Should I Ever Retire?” In this video, aptly titled, "Should You Ever Retire?", we reveal some surprising statistics to help you make the right decision for your future. Click here to watch it!

And click here to see all of our other videos!

Like crunching numbers? Then test out our online calculators! You can find out how much money you should save using our Saving for Retirement Calculator, and find out how quick your retirement savings account will deplete with different monthly income targets with the My Retirement Savings Calculator.

Click here to see all of our calculators!

We have online presentations ready for you. These cover various topics but the one we’ll highlight here is An Inside Look at Retirement Living.

This is presentation we put together to give you a look inside real retirement living. It's chalk full of answers to important questions that many have before going into retirement. We cover four points during the presentation: what happens when people retire during "bull markets" and "bear markets", we'll; take a close look at healthcare and social security, we'll go in depth on inflation and spending to help you better understand those topics, and finally we'll provide you with smart strategies for retirement living.

Click here to all of our presentations!

Really though, there’s nothing better than talking to a real person, if you need a light shined on your future as a possible retiree, then come see us at Oak Partners. Call us at (800) 804-0854.

Securities and Advisory Services offered through SII Investments Inc., Member FINRA, SIPC a Registered Investment Advisor. Oak Partners, Inc. and SII Investments are separate and unrelated Companies.