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Oak Partners: What You Should do NOW to Help Make Later Better

Oak Partners: What You Should do NOW to Help Make Later Better

Retirement is down the road, but you’re in the here and now. What should you do now to make things better for you and your family later? Glad you asked. We at Oak Partners, Inc. have great tips and advice that can help you prepare for what’s ahead in life.

We have lots of tools that you can utilize right from your smart phone, computer, or other electronic device. Just click over to Oakpartners.com to see what we have to offer.

Why do now what you can put off until later? Well, later might be too late, and you could find yourself in a sticky situation. Two really great articles we have can help you get things in gear now.

In “The Cost of Procrastination” we show you what happens when you start investing early. In the case of Cindy and Charlie, Cindy waits to invest and ends up with much less money than Charlie, who started to invest his money right away. His account balance was able to get larger because it had more time for returns to compound. It may be a hypothetical example, but it’s a good one. Read on!

Click here to read all of our articles.

What’s your current cash flow? Finding this out now can help you evaluate your personal income and expenses to help you learn good spending habits. Use the “What Is My Current Cash Flow?” Calculator.

Click here to see all of our calculators!

Do you have a 401(k) with your former employer? Now that you no longer work there, you aren’t making regular contributions to your that 401(k). Maybe you should consider rolling those funds over to an IRA. The average 401(k) has an average of 20 investment choices, but an IRA with a leading financial institution has a many more investment choices. IRAs are the popular choice for retirement savings. Find out more in our video: Sit, Stay, Rollover: A Guide to IRA Rollovers.

Click here to see our other videos.

Want a comfortable retirement? Of course you do. This presentation we put together called “Keys to Investing for Retirement” is all about correctly investing to help get the retirement that you want. Do you have an income target? How much money do you need to retire? Where do I start? These questions and more are touched on.

Click here to see all of our presentations!

Really though, there’s nothing better than talking to a real person, if you need a light shined on your future as a possible retiree, then come see us at Oak Partners. Call us at (800) 804-0854.

Securities and Advisory Services offered through SII Investments Inc., Member FINRA, SIPC a Registered Investment Advisor. Oak Partners, Inc. and SII Investments are separate and unrelated Companies.