On Wednesday January 22, families had the chance to gather at Opportunity Enterprises to get a comprehensive explanation of a very important topic. It was a chance to hear about the options 1st Source Bank offers to those planning for the life of their special needs children.
"OE strives to be a resource for our families in all aspects of their lives," Kacie Ensign, the Donor Relations Coordinator for OE said.
An in-depth presentation was shared with the families in attendance. The presentation, shared by two advisors from 1st Source Bank, covered the various types of accounts that can be set up for a beneficiary to cover him or her in the event that the parent or guardian passes.
"We are here tonight to be a support and resource to the families,"David Stupay, CEO of Opportunity Enterprises said. "We've brought in the advisers to help answer any questions and help us support these families."
One of the advisers, Joella DePra, explained how this sort of program through 1st Source works. She explained that the beneficiary would be assisted greatly by the trustee set up through the bank. The trustee would help the beneficiary with budgeting and finances in every way necessary.
Several real-world examples were presented to the families there. These examples served to inform the families of the very different circumstances that can occur. This was a chance for the families to hear how actual people set up the necessary precautions to ensure the care of their loved ones.
The advisers also shared some incredibly useful legal advice with the families. They informed everyone on the importance of outlining any sort of legal document through a service, such as the one 1st Source provides, before getting it drafted.
"Our goal is to help inform the families of what is out there," DePra said. "We want the families to know what their options are and how to utilize them."
After the presentation ended, the families had the chance to have all of their questions answered, and the advisers answered them with a great deal of care and explanation. The families that attended had a great opportunity that night to learn a great deal of useful information.