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Overcoming Life Obstacles Fuels Marathon Run

Natalie-Danko-and-TheresaLast year my good friend Natalie Danko wrote 26.2 reasons why she ran the 2010 Chicago Marathon on 10-10-10. This year she will be turning 30 and happiness is surrounding her life now!

Congratulations to all of the 2011 Chicago Marathon Runners!

Written by Natalie Danko

At 25, I set a goal to run a marathon before I turned 30. I wanted my first marathon to be Chicago. I almost threw that goal away because my life was turned upside down. It took one 5k race with my sister and best friend to realize I had to run it. It would have been much easier to say that I would do this another time when life settles down. But I refused to let life get in the way. I refused to let some else’s actions get in the way of my goals. I ran that marathon because I had to. I had to take charge of my life and running that marathon was the first step in the right direction.

Mile 1
For Ella…because you are the beginning of this all. YOU are ME. You are this crazy little person that reminds me of who I was and what I strive to get back to! And because it goes without saying I LOVE YOU!!

Mile 2
For Tolerance…because I read once that tolerance is grace, and My Grace is Gone!

Mile 3
For Fear…because the only reassurance I can give is when fear leaves you, there is no mistaking it for anything else, ya just know!

Mile 4
For Guilt...because right now I'm with my oldest friend having a great time and have no guilt about it!

Mile 5
For Change...because "When life is hard you have to Change"

Mile 6
For Focus...because most of the time my focus is in 10 different places with everyone but myself…but here is a moment in every run where it all is in sync and I am focused on 1 thing and my life just makes sense!!

Mile 7
For Blindness...because there are times in our lives when we become so wrapped in our own routine that we fail to see someone self destructing right in front of you.

Mile 8
For Denial...Was it in for a long time

Mile 9
For Despair...because for those moments at our greatest weakness that we can choose to see just how strong we are.

Mile 10
For Shame...because no one is perfect no matter how hard we try! We all have done things in our lives that are regrettable, but we cannot dwell on them. We can simply get to the next mile of life and try to take a lesson from the last!

Mile 11
Clarity...because I had to go through denial, despair and shame before I could ever understand exactly what I had to leap over to try to change an ugly fate.

Mile 12
Hope...because simply put....HOPE IS ENDURANCE

Mile 13
Faith...because when all is said and done weather happy, sad, or left indifferent about any situation of life we can always dance & sing to these simple lyrics "Don't worry about a thing....cause every little thing is gonna be alright". Love you BOB

Mile 14
Second Chances...because through it all I still believe in giving people the possibility to make amends and redeem themselves. We all mess up sometimes.

Mile 15
Addiction...because, to be fair, we all have bad habits and opportunities to better ourselves that we might not take. 15 is for the people who stood by someone in their own personal hell that they so selfishly created...those who gave tough love and dealt with the craziness of someone else's addiction...those who fought and refused to watch someone hurt by their own bad choice...I give you all a thank you cause I never got one!

Mile 16
Anger...because in the past 2 weeks I have had 3 old women tell me I am "a very caring person, but I would never want to make you mad" Anger is a funny emotion and you can either drown, tread, or swim through. I did all three, drowning suffocates you, treading exhausts you, and swimming is the moment you realize you where only mad @ yourself then you can float to happiness!

Mile 17
Sebos...because the first day I worked there I can remember sighing and knowing I was right where I needed to be in that time of my life! Mile 17 is for my ladies there who I instantly bonded with and I know were put in my life at the exact moment I needed them. Deb, JoAnne, and Tar this one is for you...Thank You!

Mile 18
Trying...because I never quit. Sometimes you just have a bad run, but as long as you gave that run your all, you can walk away content with yourself.

Mile 19
Friends...because I have amazingly loyal and supportive friends that all came through for me when I needed them most. Lis, Nell & Mags for standing the test of time. My softball girls my group of older sisters that won’t let anyone mess with me. My guy girls, you give me strength, my boys even when I don't see you guys for 5 years, you’re still my boys, and all my other friends that dropped me a line just to make sure I was OK. THANK YOU

Mile 20
RUNNING...because it’s my saving grace. Without the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other, I don't know where I'd be.

Mile 21
O'Connors...because your business is the most tangible form of community and selflessness I've every seen or felt. What the two of you created helped me find something I did not even know I was looking for. I have met amazing friends here that felt like an army of support behind me. I can only hope I've given as much to the people there as they have given to me. I am truly proud to be part of your team! Foot in Front of the Other. I don't know where I'd be.

Mile 22
Warriors...because life writes like a book. Most of the time we are too busy fighting our own battle to notice the beauty of each chapter. Looking at the events that took place at the Warrior Dash, the irony makes me laugh. That day I walked away with freedom I've been trying to get for 2 years and the fear left. That day I won a battle I've been fighting much to long and when you see it like that it's all to beautiful! :-)

Mile 23
Betrayal...because I've had my fair share of it in many forms, but in my 29 years that's been the worst of it. I am lucky I can walk away.

Mile 24
Overcoming...because that is life. There will always be a hurdle and you got to clear them one at a time!

Mile 25
Family...because Mom, you complained for not getting your "own MILE", Cork (sister) two words, “Car Dancing.” Drew (nephew), because you know the perfect moment to tell Auntie she is beautiful. David (brother), because I know you cringed at each mile I posted. Katie (Sister-in-law), because any day now there will be another Danko in the world. Dad, because you a saint for putting up with all of us! And because I LOVE YOU GUYS! :)

Mile 26
JACK...because it’s about the date. Four years ago TODAY I gave birth to this amazing little man who makes me laugh everyday. Jack, having you in my life has made me a better person and made me realize just what I want out of it. Ella made me see what I strive to be and you gave me the motivation to do it! I LOVE YOU MY JACKIE. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, this one’s for YOU!!

OHHH and the .2 is for the pain..

Finish LINE
Crossing that line allowed me to leave the bad miles behind me and carry the good ones with me. Thank you to everyone for their support, help, and motivation to get me there!