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Restaurant Fundraiser to Support Dayspring Women’s Center

Dayspring-Womens-CenterMo Mroueh, Owner of Sahara Mediterranean Cuisine (1701 Franklin St., Michigan City, IN 46360), is teaming up with Dayspring Women's Center (1005 N Campbell St. Valparaiso, IN 46385) to bring you Falafel Day! On Falafel Day, June 12th, 2013, 100% of proceeds from Mo's falafels will be donated to Dayspring Women's Center. All you have to do is call (219-871-1223) or walk in and order falafels on June 12th and let the wait staff know the order is for Dayspring! If you pre-order falafels they will be made available that day for pick up between 5-7PM.

What are falafels? Falafels are scrumptious, round, golden-brown croquettes, crispy and crunchy on the outside, warm and moist on the inside made of chickpeas or fava beans, fresh veggies, and Middle Eastern seasonings. Falafels have been around for more than a 1000 years, and will probably stay on for another 1000, due to their delicious taste and high nutritional value.

Sahara Meditation Cuisine is known throughout the region as a fantastic tapas restaurant! The family-run restaurant is a long-standing tradition in Mediterranean dining. For Mo cooking is a deeply traditional and personal experience, an inherited art form passed down with respect and loyalty through many generations of his family. Rachel Niemi, Director of Dayspring Women's Center, says "I love the food at Sahara and Mo is one of the most generous people I know. We are so delighted not only for the donations this could provide, but for the chance to eat some healthy and tasty food."

Dayspring Women's Center is a new local non-profit that provides a daytime safe haven for women who are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless and their children. Dayspring strives to help women transition from surviving to thriving by providing them with an environment where they can be safe, have space to heal, and work toward stability and wholeness. Dayspring works to meet the basic needs of clients by also providing daily lunch, personal items, and referrals to other social service agencies. If you don't want your falafel, you can order it as a donation for Dayspring and we will be happy to pick it up and deliver it for lunch the next day!

For more information about Dayspring Women's Center please visit www.dayspringvalpo.org and for more information about Sahara Mediterranean Cuisine please visit http://sahara-restaurant.net/