Are you ready to make an impact in the lives of others? Our nonprofit organization works to change the lives of those in crisis on their journey from surviving to thriving. Individual must demonstrate sensitivity to our client’s needs, initiative,...
Dayspring Womens Center
Flanagin Therapy Suites Open at Dayspring Counseling Center
In the summer of 2015, Donna Flanagin, Monica Decker, and Erica George hosted a garage sale that raised over $4500 for Dayspring Counseling Center, a program dedicated to providing community mental health to individuals, families, and couples in need...
Dayspring Women’s Center Seeking a Director of Community Outreach
Dayspring Counseling and Women's Center is presently seeking a Director of Community Outreach. Key responsibilities include managing the creation of an overall strategic plan for community engagement, raising awareness of the organizations,...
Dayspring 2015 Lip Sync Battle, Putting the “Fun” in Fundraiser
The 2015 Lip Sync Battle is underway. People from all over the state are participating by submitting their best lip sync attempt to put some fun back in fundraising. By clicking here, you too, can participate by watching and then, by donating just $2...
A Fireside Chat with Michael Essany about the Running Dead 5K
Robin Zombie and Monica Runner discuss the upcoming Zombie 5K Run /1K Walk on October 4th, 2014 to benefit Dayspring Women's Center in Valparaiso, Indiana. For more information, please visit
Dayspring “The Running Dead 5k Run/Walk and Music Fest October 4
The Running Dead Zombie 5K Walk/Run encourages you to enjoy this unique experience with your friends and family. Zombify yourself for the race. (WARNING: There maybe zombies among us) Participants of all different speeds, ages, shapes, and sizes are...
2014 Bike Drive a Big Success at Dayspring Women’s Center
On Friday, July 11 between 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 pm., Valparaiso resident, PNC Student and Dayspring Intern, Meagan West hosted a bike drive that will provide homeless or near homelessness women and men with a free bicycle, helmet, and bike lock at...
Dayspring Participating in Give Local Porter County
We are inviting the public to "like" us on Facebook and to follow us on Twitter @dayspringvalpo. Dayspring Womens Center is participating in Porter County Community Foundation Give Local Porter County which runs through May 6, 2014. One of our lucky...
Give the Gift of a Friday
With temperatures below freezing we are reminded of how lucky we are to have our basic needs met. A roof over our heads, a blanket to keep us warm, a nice winter jacket. At times we can take these things for granted, but for the clients of Dayspring...
Dayspring Grateful for VU Law Clinic and Neighbors Corporation
Dayspring Women's Center, Inc. was recently awarded its non-profit 501(c)3 status thanks to the help of Paul Kolhoff and his team of students and professionals and the Valparaiso University Law Clinic. The Valparaiso University Law Clinic, a licensed...