Home»Community»Worship»St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Conducting Ash Wednesday Services on February 18, 2015

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Conducting Ash Wednesday Services on February 18, 2015

St-Andrews-EpiscopalSt. Andrew’s Episcopal Church is conducting their annual Drive-Thru Ash Wednesday service on Feb 18 from 7:00 – 8:30 am and 5:00 to 6:30 pm. Participate in this 2000 year old Christian tradition which begins the season of Lent in the comfort of your own car. Imposition of Ashes and a time of prayer is offered by their Pastor under a covered entryway. Experience an outpouring of God’s love this Ash Wednesday during morning or evening drive time. St. Andrew’s is located at 505 Bullseye Lake Road, (NW corner of Bullseye Lake Road and Valparaiso Street)