We invite you to this free community event at St. Andrew's parking lot. As you stay in your car, Fr. Roger Bower will lead a brief prayer which will be transmitted through your car radio. From there each car will line up for your pet/s to receive a...
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Caring Continues as St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Valparaiso Initiates a Valet Parking Service for People with Special Needs
Recognizing both the needs of the elderly for whom a walk across the parking lot at church in itself is a daunting venture and people with recent surgeries or other physical impairments, St Andrew’s initiated a valet parking service. For people...
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church to host Second Saturday Cinema on April 11, 2015
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church invites you to join them for their monthly Second Saturday Cinema, be held on April 11 at 6:45 PM. Come and view When the Game Stands Tall Inspired by a true story, this powerful movie tells the remarkable journey of a...
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church to Host Second Saturday Cinema on March 14, 2015
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church invites you to join them for their monthly Second Saturday Cinema, March 14 at 7:00 PM. Come and view “WHAT IF?”, starring Kevin Sorbo and John Ratzenberger. This poignant film, in the tradition of “It’s a...
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Conducting Ash Wednesday Services on February 18, 2015
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church is conducting their annual Drive-Thru Ash Wednesday service on Feb 18 from 7:00 – 8:30 am and 5:00 to 6:30 pm. Participate in this 2000 year old Christian tradition which begins the season of Lent in the comfort of...
Join St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church for “QUEST”
NWI winters can be tough. Find a church to warm your heart and soul at QUEST, the 11:00 a.m. innovative spiritual journey. When and where does this QUEST start? Beginning 1/11/15 at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 505 Bullseye Lake Road, Valparaiso,...
St. Andrew’s Pie and Praise Set for Wednesday, November 26th
Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful and share. St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church invites the community at large to the annual pie and praise evening. All are welcome: only requirements are to be thankful and enjoy pie, (okay we do cheat: we also have...
Second Saturday Cinema presents Heaven is for Real on November 8th
In November, Second Saturday Cinema is featuring “Heaven is For Real”. This is the true story of Colton Burpo and his amazing journey to heaven in his near death experience. Second Saturday Cinema is an open community program by St. Andrew's...
2014 Pet Blessing at St. Andrew’s
Pets exemplify God’s unconditional love for us. They are loyal, faithful, empathetic, sympathetic, accepting, and good listeners. Pets are a Gift from God. Please join us with your pet on Sunday, October 5th for our annual celebration of pets at...
“God’s Not Dead” to be Shown at Second Saturday Cinema at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
“God's Not Dead" producer Russell Wolfe recently revealed that he was diagnosed with ALS. He then completed "ice bucket challenge". In the film Wolfe played a doctor who told a patient that she had a terminal illness," "What I didn't know is that...