Home»Entertainment»TV, Music, and Movies»St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church to host Second Saturday Cinema on April 11, 2015

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church to host Second Saturday Cinema on April 11, 2015

St-Andrews-EpiscopalSt. Andrew’s Episcopal Church invites you to join them for their monthly Second Saturday Cinema, be held on April 11 at 6:45 PM. Come and view When the Game Stands Tall Inspired by a true story, this powerful movie tells the remarkable journey of a legendary football coach who took the De La Salle High School Spartans from obscurity to a 151-game winning streak that shattered all records for any American sport. Enjoy this free inspirational film, free popcorn and free pop – this is a really, really cheap date night - on Saturday April 11 at 6:45 PM at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 505 Bullseye Lake Road, Valparaiso.