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This Week at Extra Mile Fitness

emlogoHave you had the opportunity to run with one of our group fun runs? Each week we lead runners through Valparaiso for a 3 to 6 mile run. All paces are welcome.

Monday 6:00 pm

Wednesday 9:00 and 6:00 pm

Saturday 8:00 am

Extra Mile is stocked full of bright spring apparel, walking and running shoes for your perfect fit, supplements to help you build mileage, and accessories of all types. Every day we are receiving something new to share with you. Our sale rack features jackets, summer apparel, and clearance shoes. Check out what we have going on this week and on July 10, 2013.


The Extra Mile Team

Extra Mile Fitness Company


Extra Mile In-Store Events


Saucony Bra Fit 3/20 Wednesday at 7:00 pm

Looking for the right support? Extra Mile is hosting a Ladies Night.


Saucony will provide multiple styles and sizes to help you find the right sports bra. How does chocolate covered fruit from Edible Arrangements sound? Chrys Davis will speak on breast health and self examinations. Don't forget about the Saucony cinch bag and flip flops.

Pancake Fun Run 3/23

Don't eat and run. Run and Eat!

Saturday morning there will be flap jacks a flipping for hungry runners. Extra Mile will be cooking up pancakes for our Post Saturday Morning 8:00 Group Fun Run. In addition to the 3 mile route, there will be a 10 mile group with a water & Gu stop on the route.


Extra Mile Anniversary Celebration JULY 10, 2013

Save the date! Extra Mile will have an exciting extravaganza to celebrate our first year. Our celebration will include vendors, food, and our First Annual 1 Mile Challenge. More details will be released the closer we get to Wednesday, July 10th.

Save 40%

Receive 40% off a jacket from our clearance rack when you purchase a pair of shoes at regular price. We still have a selection of shoes on clearance for $60 in various sizes and models. Stop in and shop our great sale items.

Offer good on clearance items as indicated in store only.