Feed the Need Friday, April 28th 9am-9pm Portage and Valpo Town & Country. Sign up by Sunday, April 15th if you are interested in helping to “feed the need” in our region. Participants will stand outside these establishments and offer fliers...
BridgePoint Church
BridgePoint Remodeling the Sanctuary
BridgePoint Church is in the beginning stage of updating the sanctuary, lobby and signage. Here are some photos of the sanctuary with the recently hung drapery, freshly decorated for the holiday season. Quite a difference from when it was the YMCA!
Last Sunday for 500 Turkeys at Bridgepoint!
We are participating in a drive to provide 500 Turkey dinners to local families in need. Our mission as a church is to gather jars, cans or packages of any non-perishable food items by next Sunday Nov. 13th! Please consider picking up something this...
Reflections on Today’s Pastors’ Gathering
Written by Pastor Jeff Cagwin Today's highlight for me was a pastors' gathering at Calvary Church here in Valpo. It was very well done and included tasty grub from the new Big Daddy's Barbecue in town. I'd venture to say there were sixty-some people...
BridgePoint News: BBQ Picnic and An Invitation from Pastor Jeff
Join us for an all church BBQ cookout on Sunday July 31st from 4-7 pm at the home of Bill and Brenda Gabriel (181 Cimarron Drive, Valparaiso). Drinks will be provided. Please bring (1) a meat to be grilled; (2) a side dish, salad or dessert, and (3)...
BridgePoint News: BBQ Picnic, Homeless Ministry, and Annual Meeting Results
BBQ Picnic You’re invited to an all-church BBQ Cookout on Sunday, June 26th from 4-7pm at the home of Dave & Monica Kerr (113 Shorewood Dr., Valparaiso). Drinks will be provided. Please bring meat for grilling and a side dish, salad, or...
“My BridgePoint” What Is It and How Do You Use It?
Recently, BridgePoint launched a new website. It was a long anticipated and welcome change for many and we are very proud of the result. With this new site, there have also been changes made to how members and active attenders may access information...
BridgePoint News: Summer Missions, Getting Acquainted, and Easter
Summer Missions Opportunity Pastor Jeff and Ingrid Cagwin invite you to join them for an urban mission service trip to The Pittsburgh Project from August 7-11 (Sun-Thurs). Days involve providing home repairs and personal ministry to the poor, and...
BridgePoint News: Listening Sessions and Life Group
Listening Sessions The Pastoral Leadership Team is conducting ''listening sessions" to hear what's on your mind as we seek the Lord's leading for our future together as a church family. We've visited life groups and are now offering open sessions on...
BridgePoint News: Getting Acquainted and Check Your Baggage
Join Pastor Jeff Cagwin Sunday March 20th from 4-7 pm for an afternoon of getting acquainted and discovering what BridgePoint Church is all about. This session is required if you are interested in becoming a member of BridgePoint, but is open to all...