Did you ever want to join a Ladies Bible Study? How about one that is flexible enough that you can plug in any given Tuesday Evening, and even miss a week and not fall behind, because the topic is NEW each week. Your chance starts April 5th, 2011 at...
Christ Lutheran Church
Mary of Nazareth–A Musical Dramatization by Keri Burman
If you attended the presentations of Queen Esther, or Mary Magdalene, then mark your calendars, because you won’t want to miss Keri Burman of Yadah Praise Productions perform a Musical Dramatization of Mary of Nazareth on Tuesday, December 7, at 7...
Christ Lutheran Youth Serve in Arkansas
Pictured are the members of Christ Lutheran High School Youth of Valparaiso who spent a week working in Booneville, Arkansas with other youth from Colorado, Florida, and Kansas through an organization called Youthworks. The youth painted homes and...
CLC Valpo Sunday School Stewardship Focus = Operation Christmas Child
The next Sunday School Stewardship Focus at Christ Lutheran Church in Valparaiso, IN is to collect small items (toys, hygiene items, hard candy, small books) to be packed in shoe boxes and shipped overseas as a part of Operation Christmas Child which...
Prayer Vigil at Christ Lutheran Church, Public Welcome
Christ Lutheran Church will be holding a prayer vigil on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 from 9:00 am - 9:00 pm. Take time out of your day to come sit in the new sanctuary at Christ Lutheran Church 2610 N. Campbell St. in Valparaiso, IN for a few minutes...
Dedication of New Sanctuary and 40th Anniversary Worship Service
The members of Christ Lutheran Church, 2610 Campbell Street - Valparaiso, IN 46385, invite you to the Celebration of our 40th Anniversary and the dedication of our new Sanctuary on Sunday, September 19, 2010 40th Anniversary Worship Services 8:00,...
Christ Lutheran Church in Valpo presents: Mary Magdalene – A Musical Dramatization by Keri Burman of Yadah Praise Productions
Mary Magdalene: A Musical Dramatization by Keri Burman of Yadah Praise Productions – at Valparaiso, IN Christ Lutheran Church Tuesday, June 1st, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Public Welcome! Come Join us in our NEW Sanctuary located at the corner Of Campbell...
Youth Rummage Sale
Christ Lutheran Church is hosting a church wide youth rummage sale on Saturday, April 24, from 7:30 am to 2:00 pm. All of the funds raised will benefit the high school mission trip to Booneville, Arkansas. Enter through Door #10 on the south side of...