Young women everywhere are facing many obstacles on the way to adulthood. Among these obstacles are bullying, low self-esteem, and poor body image. Girl Power! is a program that will focus on building young girls self-esteem and confidence....
Family Concern Counseling, Inc.
Port-a-Pit Fundraiser and Walking in the Wildflowers Support Group
Family Concern Counseling, Inc, is having a Nelson's Port-a-Pit Chicken Fundraiser on Saturday, April 16, 2011 from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm at the K-mart in Valparaiso. The cost is $5 for half a chicken and $3 for pit-tatoes. Pre-order tickets are...
Seeing Red Anger Management Program
Family Concern Counseling, located at 2004 Valparaiso St in Valparaiso, is sponsoring an anger management and peacemaking program for kids. It will start on July 26 and meet Mondays and Fridays for eight weeks. Kids ages six to nine year will meet...