Since 2009 Frontline has served over 500 young men and women in need of substance abuse treatment in the City of Valparaiso and served over 1,000 clients and families in total throughout Porter County. Annually, we have provided over $50,000 in...
Frontline Foundations
Frontline is Calling All Artists for 2015 Hooked on Art Festival
Frontline Foundations, Inc., a non-profit substance abuse treatment provider, is calling all artists for the Fourth Annual Hooked on Art – Live Street Art Festival. Held on Saturday, September 26, the Festival will feature live street art and a...
“Hooked on Art” Wins R.O.S.E. Award for Porter County Festival of the Year
Frontline Foundation’s annual Hooked on Art Festival was recognized by Indiana Dunes Tourism as Porter County’s Festival of the Year. Frontline, a non-profit substance abuse treatment provider with offices in Valparaiso and Chesterton, was...
Frontline Foundations to Participate in Give Local Porter County on May 6
Discuss the drug problem in Porter County and words such as “drug addiction”, “substance abuse”, and “heroin fatalities” typically pop up in conversation. However, Frontline Foundations, a non-profit substance abuse treatment provider in...
Save the Date for Frontline’s Open House on Friday, April 11, 2014
Join Frontline anytime from 2 to 7pm to celebrate the completion of their remodel and to showcase The Conduit Recovery Community Center. The Conduit, the first of its kind in Porter County, is an alternative outlet for those seeking recovery driven...
Bestselling Author Tim Sanders to Host Frontline Foundations Annual Dinner Event March 13
Tim Sanders, former Yahoo! executive and New York Times bestselling author, is coming to Valparaiso University on March 13 to speak at an annual dinner event for Frontline Foundations, Inc. Sanders is the author of four books, including the New York...
Frontline’s Hooked on Art Festival Sends Message of Hope, Recovery from Addiction
Frontline Foundation’s Hooked on Art – Live Street Art Festival attracted thousands on Saturday, September 28 with a message of hope and recovery from drug addiction. The Festival held at Thomas Centennial Park in Downtown Chesterton highlighted...
Frontline Foundations Is Calling All Artists and Vendors for Upcoming Hooked on Art Event
Frontline Foundations, Inc., a non-profit substance abuse treatment provider for young adults, is looking for artists and vendors to participate in their 2nd annual Hooked on Art -- Live Street Art Festival. The event, an annual fundraiser for...
Christopher Kennedy Lawford Speaking March 16 at Frontline Foundations Charity Dinner
Christopher Kennedy Lawford, New York Times best-selling author on recovery addiction and nephew of the late John F. Kennedy, is coming to Valparaiso University on March 16 to speak at a dinner event for Frontline Foundations, Inc. Lawford is the...
Frontline Foundations Thankful for Community Support
We are so very Thankful for the generosity and compassion that you have shared in our mission.Would you consider giving a gift of $25 or more? Your financial support goes directly toward helping the the young men and women of Porty County to receive...