Providing a safe and security for a childcare facility is an important part of a childcare facilities job. The unfortunate events in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012 forever changed the way educators plan for safety in their schools....
Hilltop Neighborhood House
Hilltop Too: Walts Place After School Program
Walt’s Place is home to our ever-growing After School Program. Children from the community come to Walt’s Place directly from school to participate in various projects and activities. Walt’s Place is open during the school year from 3:30 to...
Strong Friendships are Made at Hilltop
Glory, Mauve, Larry and Christopher are off to four different schools this Fall. These friendships have really bloomed here at Hilltop and we know they will miss one another. Friendships, the bonds that children develop with important peers in their...
Hilltop’s Early Childhood Development Program Achieves Paths to QUALITY Level 3
Research shows that high-quality early childhood programs prepare children for future success in school, work, and life. From birth through age 5 is the most important time for growth of the human brain. A child’s brain develops in response to the...
Hilltop’s Village Food Pantry Renamed, Serves Valparaiso Families in Need
For individuals and families that have turned to Hilltop’s Village Food Pantry to help make ends meet, everything’s coming up roses…especially if they had the opportunity to be served with a warm smile by Rose Gray, the food pantry coordinator...
Hilltop Neighborhood House 15th Annual Soup Dinner
Nothing beats the past few weeks of cold weather outside better than a warm bowl of soup! Hillltop Neighborhood House is having its 15th Annual Heartwarming Soups & Hometown Entertainment Event on Tuesday February 25, 2014 at Christ Lutheran...
Hilltop Food Pantry Seeking Donations
Food banks all over the country are facing rising costs, growing need. With 1 in 6 American’s going hungry; it would only make sense that the demand placed on our local food pantries grows every year. Most of those in need are children under the...
Hilltop Receives $23,000 Grant From United Way Success by 6 Program
Hilltop Neighborhood House receives a $23,000 Grant from the United Way Northwest Indiana Success By 6 Regional Initiate for their Kindergarten Readiness Program and Path to Quality Advancement Plan. Today, there are 59,000 children under the age of...
Marshalls Donates $5,000 to Hilltop Neighborhood House Scholarship Program
Marshalls, TJX Foundation recently awarded $5,000 to Hilltop Neighborhood House’s Childcare Scholarship Program as part of their Regional Targeting Program. Hilltop Neighborhood House is now in its 18th year and in 2013 their programs have served...
Students Refurbish Donated Computers for Hilltop Too: Walt’s Place After School Program
School of Business students at Ivy Tech Community College Northwest accepted a donation from Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore of eight computers to be refurbished for Hilltop Too: Walt’s Place, 554 South Locust Street, Valparaiso, a non-profit...