Wow! Things are really coming together at NeighborLink. Word is getting out and the needs of the less fortunate are becoming more evident everyday. It is difficult for me to watch the list of projects grow. You see, I am a "fixer." I want to wrap all...
One Year Anniversary
Dear Friends,My purpose for writing today is one-dimensional. I need prayer!Here's why:Judy and I have begun our second year with NeighborLink Porter County. After years of involvement with ShareFest Porter County, God revealed our passion for...
Leaf Project
Last November we had a lady call NeighborLink and say that she really needed some help with her leaves and her gutters. She was so very grateful. She is a widow. Do you have just a few hours on a Saturday morning to help a neighbor in need? There are...
On My Heart
Our family has seen it's share of death. In the last three years, our children have lost a precious Grandma (my Mom), a beloved Uncle, a dear Grandfather (Larry's Dad) and most recently they lost a teacher. They have also seen every spectrum of...
Neighborlink Now: The House Is Complete
We wanted to take a few minutes and thank the MANY volunteers who came out to paint this house in Valparaiso for a gentleman who needed us. We started around the end of July and finished up at the beginning of September. It was worked on mainly on...
Volunteer Projects Needed for Sharefest
Our annual ShareFest Day is coming up on Saturday, October 10th, 2009. Since 2004, ShareFest has been a day of service for Christians from all over Porter County to share their faith through deeds and actions. Four cities in Porter County will...
NeighborLink Porter County
Larry and I have really enjoyed our involvement with Sharefest. So much so, that we decided to look into a way to continue the efforts of Sharefest on a daily basis. As we explored the different possibilities we learned about NeighborLink Fort...