In keeping with their goals of community outreach and "helping others grow" the Porter County Master Gardeners Association (PCMGA) invite individuals, groups, or charitable organizations from Porter County to apply for $1,000 scholarships, $500...
Porter County Master Gardeners Association
Eighth Annual Gardening Show Featuring Keynote Speaker Vincent Simeone
The Eighth Annual Gardening Show features keynote Speaker, Vincent Simeone, Director of Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park in Oyster Bay, New York, author of four books on landscape trees and shrubs, and frequent guest on the Martha...
Garden Walk 2010 Featured Beautiful Scenery
The Porter County Master Gardners Association Garden Walk 2010 was held this past weekend! The walk featured 9 great gardens around Porter County. The following are photos from the walk. Fountain in Byers garden Harpist Heidi Sullivan at the Brown...
Porter County Master Gardeners Association Garden Walk 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDT (Chicago Time) Admission: $6.00 in Advance $8.00 Day of Walk Children under 12 Free This year we're showcasing 9 great gardens in and around Valparaiso/Porter County. Three gardens featured on previous...
Grants Available for Community Gardens to Feed the Hungry
Porter County and its Porter County Master Gardeners Association (PCMGA) announce several new $250 Edible Community Garden Grants to encourage growing nutritious food and donating it to help feed the hungry. These new grants are dedicated exclusively...
7th Annual Gardening Show
Do you have a green thumb? A passion for seeds? Or how about a love for garden photography? The Porter County Master Gardeners Association is hosting its 7th Annual Gardening Show on Saturday, January 23, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Porter County...