Visit Rhame and Elwood on Facebook Visit Rhame and Elwood's Website 3200 Willowcreek Rd Portage, IN 46368 Phone: 219-762-0494 The best way to introduce ourselves and our firm is to let you know who we are and what we believe. Please take a moment to...
Rhame, Elwood and McClure
Rhame and Elwood Sponsoring Free Clinics to Discuss the Importance of Wills
You are cordially invited to attend a Will's Clinic, sponsored by Rhame and Elwood, to be held at the Portage Township YMCA at 3100 Willowcreek Road in Portage. The clinic will be presented by a panel of local Attorney’s from Rhame and Elwood in...
Rhame and Elwood’s Peter Boyles Gives Advice for those Who Have Had Auto Accidents
In the next installment of their educational video series, Porter County Attorney Peter Boyles from Rhame & Elwood talks a bit about steps you should take in the event of an auto accident. Check out the video below, and if you have any questions,...
Rhame and Elwood’s Ken Elwood Discusses Issues Facing New Clients
Porter County Attorney Ken Elwood discussing issues facing new clients.
John Rhame Discusses Issues Facing Parents Regarding ‘Child Custody’
John Rhame of Rhame and Elwood discusses some of the issues facing parents when considering 'child custody.'
John Rhame Discusses ‘No Fault Divorce’ in Indiana
John Rhame, of Rhame and Elwood Attorneys, discusses some of the myths and misconceptions surronding the term: 'no fault divorce' in Indiana.
Rhame and Elwood Discusses Child Custody
Family Law Attorney John Rhame, of Rhame and Elwood Attorneys, dicusses some of the complicated issues when discussing 'child custody' and 'child custody arrangments.'
Rhame and Elwood’s John Rhame Explains ‘Debts and Assets’
Portage Indiana Family Law Attorney: John Rhame answers the often complicated question of 'debts and assests' when dealing divorce.
Attorney Scott McClure of Rhame and Elwood
Attorney Scott McClure of Porter County firm Rhame and Elwood.
Ken Elwood of Rhame and Elwood Discusses OWI
Attorney Ken Elwood of Rhame & Elwood answers questions his clients have regarding OWI as well as his 'five point' strategy he uses when defending his clients.