Written by Father Michael My introduction to the WAY OF ST. JAMES was through a scallop shell. Hannah Greene’s book, LITTLE SAINT, begins each chapter with a small scallop. In one sense it is buried in the sandy bottom of an ocean, unperceivable...
St. Paul Catholic Church
Continuing The Journey: Kentucky
Written by Father Michael Waking up in Morehead, Kentucky wiping the sleep from my eyes and realizing the fogginess was not only clouding my eyes but also the windows and distant hills took a moment to get use to. The air conditioning in the Spartan...
Continuing The Journey: Summer Novels
Written by Father Michael Summer is here. I know because I was compelled to enjoy a Butterscotch Malted with whipped cream at an ice cream stand and then I woke up at 4:30am with a nightmare. I think I will wait until next summer for my second...
Continuing The Journey: Father’s Day
Written by Father Michael Father’s Day has changed a lot for me over the years. It will never have the same meaning for me and in some ways; I hope it will never have the same meaning for you either. Fatherhood can have many different expressions....
Continuing The Journey
Written by Father Michael The first of June is a marvelous day for a bike ride, my first along the lakefront since last year. All the beaches were packed with families and friends enjoying the warmth of the sun and the gentle breeze off the lake, a...
Continuing The Journey
I watched last summer’s movie INCEPTION this past week. It was interesting and will probably take at least one or more viewings before I start to understand it. I have an intuitive and insightful friend that I will enlist for the journey into this...
Continuing The Journey
Summertime, And the livin’ is easy. Fish are jumpin’ And the cotton is high. Oh, you daddy’s rich And your mamma’s good lookin’ So hush little baby Don’t you cry The last few days of hot weather made me think of this song and the opera...
Continuing The Journey
Written by Father MichaelSeeing a remake of a movie or play is always difficult. I always compare it to the first viewing. The danger is that only the director, writers, actors are producing it from a different viewpoint but so am I seeing it through...
St. Paul Vocation Ministry and Teens of St. Paul Visit St. Joseph Carmelite Home for Holy Innocents
The Carmelite Sisters gave us a special presentation of the Carmelite Order, shared their personal calling to vocation, gave us a tour of their facility and prayed with us. Their hospitality made a difference in all of our lives. We will continue to...
Continuing The Journey
Written by Father Michael Flipping through the channels (I have my own remote, I do not share) the other evening I heard the unforgettable lyrics from 55 years ago. “This old man he played one. He played knick-knack on my knee. Knick-knack...