First United Methodist Church of Valparaiso has received a grant of $49,927 to enable its senior pastor, Rev. Kevin Miller, to participate in the 2021 Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Program for Indiana Congregations. Valparaiso's FUMC is one of 34...
Valparaiso First United Methodist
Santa Breakfast Raises Money for The Caring Place
The Director of Children's Ministries at the Valparaiso First United Methodist Church, Karyn Custer-Jankowski, presents a $400 check to Lindsay Shira of The Caring Place. Money was raised at the "Breakfast with St. Nicholas" event that took place in...
METS Christmas Organ Concert on December 15th
Members of the community are invited to attend the annual Christmas concert sponsored by the older adult ministry at Valparaiso First United Methodist church on Tuesday, December 15th at 2:00 p,m. in the sanctuary of the church at 103 North Franklin...