While the terms trademark and copyright both carry similar weight in regards to protecting the intellectual or designed property of an individual, company or organization, the differences between what these two terms represent is quite different. In...
Hartman Global IP Law offers mentorship to students through an in-depth, hands-on internship
Intellectual Property (IP) Law is one of the most intricate legal fields. Attorneys need to be degreed experts in science and engineering on top of mastering the laws and regulations surrounding patents, trademarks, copyrights, and much...
Hartman Global IP Law: Plant Patents 101
If someone told you they invented a plant, would you believe them? It seems odd but it’s a thing, and it occurs more frequently than you might think! Luckily, Hartman Global IP Law is here to educate you on the ins and outs of the process. What is...
Hartman Global Intellectual Property Law devotes quality to Urschel Laboratories
Two of the most prolific homegrown companies in the area, Hartman Global Intellectual Property Law and Urschel Laboratories, Inc., have been faithful partners to each other for nearly 15 years. While the companies found their roots in Porter...
Hartman Global IP Law’s patents and trademarks make an international impact
After more than 30 years in the business, Hartman Global Intellectual Property (IP) Law has worked with companies both local and international on countless patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Some are locally known, novelties that capture the...
Hartman Global IP Law protects your property in more than 160 countries
In a global economy, protecting your brand, products, and inventions is a complex process. Doing it alone is a challenge at best, and a nightmare at worst. Hartman Global Intellectual Property Law formed in 1990 to help businesses and inventors, both...
Avoiding copyright pitfalls: How to create web content without getting sued
Producing podcasts, videos, and any other kind of online content these days can seem like a veritable minefield of IP and copyright issues that could get your content flagged by YouTube, claimed by a company for revenue, or most worryingly – sued....
Hartman Global IP Law welcomes Andrean High School student into dynamic internship opportunity
When it comes to exploring his career options, Matt Meyer, a senior at Andrean High School, is a step ahead of many students his age. Thanks to his diligent schoolwork and the unique opportunities at Andrean High School, he is working as an intern at...
Hartman Global IP Law’s pro-bono work helps innovators take flight
Hartman Global IP Law has called Valparaiso home for decades, protecting the intellectual property of clients worldwide from their Chicago Street office. Fortune 500 companies, manufacturers, and universities all rely on them to protect their...
Fast-tracking or expediting your patent with Hartman Global IP Law
For inventors and innovators, registering a patent is one of the most important steps they can take to protect their creations from being stolen or profited on by others. Unfortunately, the patent process can take years – and on average, lasts...