Fairy Festival for NW Indiana

2019-fairyThe Izaak Walton League of America - Porter County Chapter will again be hosting the fairy festival called "Gnomes Day Out" on Saturday, June 15. The nature celebration will run from 4pm to 7pm. This event is always held at the chapter's Frame Family Little Calumet Conservation Area; 1288 County Line Road (find it on Google Maps). "Look for the sign on County Line Road between 20 and 6. It's 4 miles south of 20 and a mile north of Burdick."

You'll start your adventure by following Gnome down the Fairy House Trail with tiny residences handmade by community partners like Art Barn and Hansen & Sons Remodeling. At the end of the trail you'll be shrunken to fairy size and enter the Village to meet the Queene, make a wand, choose a fairy name and so much more! Collect autographs of the Fairy Troop upon a shady glen and search for the Lost Fairy Camps! The festival promises lots of surprises along the way with adoptable dragon eggs for the first 40 children, a fairy house building contest, blueberry races, treats, live music and much more! Your family will enjoy learning about the magic of nature while playing outside with spritely friends. Little Fella Photography will capture every happy moment, visitors are encouraged to dress in fantasy costume and spirited vendors will offer delights of the realm.

The Ikes are defenders of soil, air, wood, water & wildlife. They maintain wild spaces for the outdoor recreation of current and future generations. Their property is also set-aside for migratory bird habitat, wetland restoration, educational access, keeping balance of native flora & fauna plus citizen science. The chapter asks a $10 donation/child for all the fairy perks (babies under 1 year are free) and one free adult with each child is allowed. This year admission donations, for this family-friendly afternoon, raise funds toward the chapter’s new ‘E-STEM in the Field’ program for LaPorte and Porter County school children. PCC is also appreciative to have received the NiSource Environmental Action Grant toward that program starting this fall. IWLA-PCC are the folks that also bring 'Family Nature Nights' to elementary schools, host a 'Conservation Corner' for families during the Porter County Fair and many other pubic events like Naturepalooza (6/22/19) at Rogers Lakewood Park.

Like and follow the fantastical event on facebook.com/gnomesdayout. Or email PCC’s Executive Director at executivedirectoriwlapcc@gmail.com with questions.