Porter County Public Library System to require face coverings at all library locations

PCPLS will require patrons to wear face coverings at all locations, starting Monday, July 20.

PCPLS Board of Trustees has passed a resolution requiring all library employees, patrons and visitors to wear face coverings in all indoor public/common areas of Library buildings, offices and facilities unless under the

age of two, or where an existing underlying health condition prohibits the wearing of a face covering.

This aligns library policy with that of local and state government agencies, such as the Porter County Commissioners, which have reopened government buildings to the public, but required employees as well as members of the public to wear masks while inside County buildings.

According to the resolution, the Porter County Public Library System and its Board of Trustees are committed to protecting the health and safety of Library staff, patrons and all Porter County citizens. Library staff have been wearing required face coverings, along with the implementation of numerous other safety measures, including a quarantine period for returned materials, plexiglass shields, social distancing requirements, and regular disinfection and reduction of common surfaces, since all PCPLS locations reopened in May.