ValpoLife Receives Positive Feedback From Local Pastors

ValpoLife had a great morning meeting with some local pastors to encourage more communication about the good news in the community. Evelyn Bay graciously hosted the event, providing their fantastic meeting room and their delicious coffee and baked goods. Our informal gathering provided a means to help us get the word out to others and spread the seed of an idea. As a small staff, we need all the help we can get from others to tell the story of Valpo and the great people doing good. Meeting with the pastoral community was a great way to put a face with a name and connect on a more personal level, rather than via email. valpolife-pastors-meeting1

We started with local pastors, as they are connected with a wide variety of people doing good things. We discussed various ways they can contribute to the site, whether it be through submitting their newsletters or bulletins, announcements, or sending in information about campaigns and events with which they are involved. Each pastor was very receptive to the ideas, some not knowing this option was available to them before the meeting.

There were many great suggestions proposed by some of the attendees and great discussion overall. We understand that people are busy, pastors especially, and that contributing to ValpoLife may not be on the top 10 things needed to get done in a day. The important point of today’s meeting was to stress just how easy it is to spread the good news. All anyone needs to do to get involved is send their positive news to That’s it. Nothing could be easier.

Thank you to all of the pastors who came out today: Greg Jones, John Albers, Dave Bauer, Dean Christianson, Ben Lamb, Jeff Cagwin, Rich Schmidt, and Roger Bower, and to Evelyn Bay for their hospitality. A special thanks to Rich Schmidt for helping spread the word about the meeting. valpolife-pastors-meeting2We’ve already received contributions and are looking forward to working more with these fine folks to produce good news about Valparaiso.