There is an epidemic sweeping the world. It’s destroying neighborhoods, cities, and countries, but it is not broadcast on the nightly news or printed in the papers. It’s not one discussed in schools or by government leaders. Today, our world is...
Erin Parker
A Spark for Change: Like a Girl
There are many times when I struggle to get behind advertisers or media in general because of a lack of social conscience. The power media has on our society is immeasurable, and too often it portrays women as second class citizens who are just...
A Spark for Change: Leap of Faith
I spent the first 26 years of my life spotlighting my next step. I wanted to make sure my subsequent move was properly lit so I could ensure my landing would be clean and seamless. I have made a life of choosing the safe move over the right move. I...
A Spark for Change: What’s a Slicer?
I have lived in La Porte my whole life. The amount of times I have been asked what a Slicer is has reached an astronomical number. Teams have tauntingly chanted it across gyms, and people from places I have visited have innocently inquired about our...
A Spark for Change: Playing for Jake – Final Four
I stood in the middle of the frozen field at Elkhart Central listening to chants of "Play for Jake," watching parents, students, and players hug, and feeling like we all were one big family. Above it all, I felt there was someone else there with us,...
A Spark for Change: Slicer Pride
School is back in session! While this may cause stress and anxiety for some, I couldn't be more excited to be back. It's not hard to feel eager for school when I get walk into the most incredible school every single day. La Porte High School is so...
A Spark for Change: Live and Learn
Summer break is about over, and I have to be honest in saying that this has been the best summer of my life. I didn't travel the country or anything of that nature, but I sure did learn an insane amount about myself and others. I realize I sound much...
What Students Don’t Know
I am here to set the record straight once and for all. I am going to debunk a myth that too many people believe. You all must know the sacred truth that it is the students, NOT the teachers, who make the impact and have the biggest influence. Say...
A Spark for Change: It Isn’t the Critic Who Counts
I have spent my whole life trying to please. I wanted to be liked by everyone. I wanted everyone to be proud of me. I wanted to make sure I did everything I could to make someone else happy. Basically, I was looking for validation from every single...
A Spark for Change: Finding My Ruby Slippers: My Quest to Work for Oprah – Day 1
My name is Erin Parker, and I have a dream. It literally consumes my thoughts and causes an aching in my body. I have suppressed this dream my whole life because I always thought it was impossible, but you know what? I refuse to live my life playing...