One in ten Indiana college students finishes a two-year degree on time. Three in ten finish a four-year degree on time. Many of the students who don’t reach the finish line on time have academic, social or financial challenges that may have been...
Indiana Youth Institute
Helping Students Succeed Beyond High School
According to the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE), 60 percent of Hoosier jobs in the next decade will require workers to acquire additional education or training after they earn a high school diploma. Research shows that less than a...
Successful Habits to Secure Nonprofit Funding
Many nonprofits struggle with the grant-seeking process, from knowing which grants to apply for, to allocating the right amount of time for seeking grants and proposal development. In an effort to help nonprofits with limited resources to better plan...
Students Achieve College Dreams with Texting Service
Trip To College Alerts by the Indiana Youth Institute (IYI), sends three to four monthly text messages to students 13 and older to prepare them for education after high school and keep them on track through their postsecondary education. The messages...
Rejuvenate Your Passion for Working with Children on June 25, 2014
Those who work with children often nurture young people yet struggle to find time to nourish their own spirits. To help youth workers reconnect with their passion for children, the Indiana Youth Institute (IYI) is hosting a forum that will explore...
Northwest Indiana Nonprofit Receives Grant to Boost Effectiveness
A Northwest Indiana youth-serving nonprofit organization has been chosen to receive a Capacity Building Coaching grant from the Indiana Youth Institute (IYI), which includes strategic planning guidance, consulting, training and professional...
Strategy Tips to Help Youth-Serving Nonprofits Find Funding
Funders are savvy, which means youth-serving organizations need to take a more strategic approach to securing money for their missions. To help nonprofits find more funding, the Indiana Youth Institute (IYI) is hosting a forum that will explore how...
Grant Program Boosts Effectiveness of Youth-serving Nonprofits Across Indiana
At least twelve organizations across Indiana will have the opportunity to serve more children, youth or families or improve their effectiveness through a grant program offered by the Indiana Youth Institute (IYI). The Capacity Building Coaching grant...
State Schools Superintendent Looks at Enhancing School Counseling
Set against the backdrop of the nation’s 8th worst ratio of students to counselors, Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction Glenda Ritz will speak to an audience of school counselors from across Indiana to outline her initiatives to reorganize...
Rejuvenate Your Passion for Working with Children
Those who work with children often nurture young people yet struggle to find time to nourish their own spirits, resulting in burnout. To help youth workers reconnect with their passion for children, the Indiana Youth Institute (IYI) is hosting a...