This time of year brings many challenges for senior citizens, the disabled, single moms and low income households. NeighborLink Porter County, a local nonprofit organization, has volunteers ready to meet many of those challenges. NeighborLink invites...
Judy Alders
NeighborLink Porter County Receives Donation
Through their Community Fun Night program, Terry Bejna, General Manager of the Bob Evans on Gateway Blvd in Chesterton, gave NeighborLink Porter County a check for $463. The CFN program allows not for profit organizations to earn a donation by...
Amazing Volunteers Help A Family In Need
On July 10th, 21 people including kids, descended upon a small garage in Valparaiso. NeighborLink Porter County received a call from the Code Enforcer that there was a family in need. The roof needed to be replaced and the siding on the garage needed...