McColly Real Estate Performance Plus Breakfast 2023

Under Mayor Matt Murphy’s leadership, Valparaiso has been thriving. From bringing new businesses to the area to enhancing infrastructure to adding quality of life benefits, Murphy’s leadership has had a positive impact over the past three years....
Getting diagnosed with cancer can be very traumatizing, especially for a child. However, some patients have to face this news before they are even old enough to understand their diagnosis. Brittany Fair was diagnosed with pilomyxoid astrocytoma (PMA)...
It was all paws on deck on Thursday, January 5 as volunteers, board members, employees, and of course, a couple of four-legged friends, gathered together to celebrate their hard work over the year at Lakeshore PAWS. Lakeshore PAWS was established in...
Ashley Fisher has had a long family history of breast cancer, so the possibility of being diagnosed was something she came to expect. She has been very diligent about going to the doctor’s office to get mammograms and ultrasounds ever since she was...
NorthShore Health Center in Portage is hosting free classes for community members to learn how to better manage their health. One of these classes is called ‘Diabetic Diner,’ and it teaches participants to make recipes that are diabetic-friendly...