The Northview Elementary School Science Bowl Team continued its winning ways recently as they garnered their seventh straight State Championship in the Red Class of the 2014 Elementary Science Bowl competition. Hard working team members recalled and...
Northview Elementary School
Northview Spell Bowl Team Wins State Title with a Perfect Score
The Northview Elementary Spell Bowl team stunned the crowd at this year's spell bowl competition by achieving the elusive PERFECT score, spelling all 56 words correctly. Northview's blue ribbon performance occurred at one of the most competitive...
Northview Elementary Receives Four Stars for 8th Year
Written by Loren Hershberger, principal Each year, the Indiana Department of Education presents Four Star School Awards to schools that perform in the upper 25th percentile in performance on the ISTEP+ and End-of-Course Assessment state exams, as...
Families Play a Big Part at Northview
Written by Loren Hershberger, Principal Part of the mission statement at Northview Elementary School states that "all students (will) realize their cognitive ... potential." The school has proved this true in the past and throughout this year by...
Multicultural Activities at Northview Elementary
Northview Elementary School has an ongoing multicultural education and outreach program. The region being highlighted this year is Central America and the specific country is Nicaragua. In the week prior to the culminating activity, the Multicultural...
Northview Elementary School State Champion Science Bowl Team
Recently, the Northview Elementary School Science Bowl Team won the title of state champion in division 4 of the 2010 Indiana Elementary Science Bowl competition for the THIRD YEAR IN A ROW! Not only were the team members able to recall and apply...
Holiday Programs at Northview Elementary School
The holiday season is in full swing at Northview Elementary School! Winter break is fast approaching but before it gets here, the school is celebrating with several events this week. Every morning through Thursday, the students are hosting “Music...
1st Annual Laps for Learning at Northview Elementary
Northview Elementary School will host the first annual Laps for Learning event. At 2pm on Friday, September 18, 320 students from the school will participate in the event to raise money for the school’s Parent-Teacher Organization. Students will...