Purdue Extension will host a program to provide information about managing pests in field crops for farmers and those who work with farmers. The Field Crops Pest Management Program will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 3 from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. CST (9:30...
Purdue Extension - Porter County
Purdue Extension Presents Two Educational Programs: 14 Tips for Brain Health and Protecting Yourself From Frauds / Scams
So, what do dark chocolate and crossword puzzles have to do with brain fitness? The scientists at Posit Science say “As with physical exercise, brain exercise can help you improve your performance and feel your best.” Join us for a little fun, a...
A Pair of 100th Anniversaries
A Taste of Extension Homemakers presents “Having a Ball With Canning Jars!” Indiana Extension Homemakers and the Ball Corporation, creators of the “Perfect Canning Jar,” are both celebrating their 100th anniversaries this year. Join County...
Enjoy Fall Colors
Myths about Jack Frost are so ingrained in our folklore that it is difficult to separate fact from fantasy when explaining the annual spectacle of autumn color. Every fall, both hardwood and conifer trees develop fall color. This annual fall...
Purdue Extension Offering Master Gardener Leadership Training
As a Purdue Master Gardener, you’ve learned about gardening and home horticulture, and teaching those subjects in your community. Now’s the time to take the next step- becoming a leader. Sign up today for the Master Gardener Leadership Training...
Porter County Master Gardeners Offer Scholarships and Community Grants
In keeping with their goals of community outreach and "helping others grow" the Porter County Master Gardeners Association (PCMGA) invite individuals, groups, or charitable organizations from Porter County to apply for $1,000 scholarships, $500...
Cover Crops Field Day at Kouts, March 25, 2013
A field day will be sponsored by Porter County SWCD and Purdue Extension – Porter County on Monday, March 25, to share information and demonstrate the benefits of using cover crops in cropping systems. The field day will start at 9:30 a.m. CDT at...