The Izaak Walton League will be hosting a special walk and talk at Hawthorne Park in Porter on Saturday, September 15 at 3:30pm. Participants are welcome to come dressed as your favorite character from the Hunger Games books or movie and be ready to...
Tacy Fletcher
Porter County Conservation Non-Profits — Sowing Good Deeds and Reaping Rewards!
Do any of you remember a writing prompt that elementary school teachers used in the olden days to encourage students to write a wacky story? The prompt worked like this: Fortunately, then fill in the blank about a good event, then Unfortunately,...
The Good Seeds of Autumn — These Teachers Caught ‘Em
Future teachers from Purdue North Central that is! Thursday, October 27, there was a constant cold rain on the windshields of the PNC Biology 205 students’ cars. They gathered at the parking area near the Little Calumet River crossing at the...
Didja Seed What They Did?
Do you remember the “field trips” in elementary school better than the lessons taught in the classroom? It is likely that PNC’s Biology 205 class will remember their recent trip to Dunes State Park on Oct 21 as the day that picking all the...