Morgan Township High School

Andrean High School holds the annual soccer jamboree to kick start the season for Northwest Indiana

Andrean High School holds the annual soccer jamboree to kick start the season for Northwest Indiana Soccer teams from across Northwest Indiana all gathered at the Andrean High School soccer fields today to celebrate the upcoming soccer season with a successful jamboree. The soccer teams that were invited and played today were Andrean, East Chicago...

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#1StudentNWI: students and teachers discuss back to school at Morgan Township

#1StudentNWI: students and teachers discuss back to school at Morgan Township As the summer comes to an end, students are starting to prepare for the upcoming year. With back to school comes may different emotions, but students at Morgan Township High School are mostly eager and excited to get back to doing what they love....

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#1StudentNWI: Morgan Township celebrates the end of the school year with seniors looking ahead to the next step

#1StudentNWI: Morgan Township celebrates the end of the school year with seniors looking ahead to the next step Once more, the end of the school year has come. It has been a tough year dealing with COVID-19 at Morgan Township High School, but the students and amazing faculty have made it through. This last month, Morgan Township High School celebrated their...

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Westville stages comeback In 5-4 win over Kouts, takes IHSAA Softball 1A Sectional Championship

Westville stages comeback In 5-4 win over Kouts, takes IHSAA Softball 1A Sectional Championship The Westville Blackhawks brought the heat in today’s double match-up games, first chalking up a 9-7 win over the Morgan Township Cherokees, then stretching that winning streak in a 5-4 victory over the Kouts Mustangs in Class 1A Softball. The...

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Merrillville Boys Track & Field comes out on top for 2021 Regional Championship

Merrillville Boys Track & Field comes out on top for 2021 Regional Championship Regionals is an important day for all sports as it determines who gets to go to state, and for all teams, that is the ultimate goal. On Thursday, the Regional Boys Track & Field meet was held at as Crown Point High School and hosted...

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