To better understand the risk factors for osteoporosis, Porter Health System’s Senior Circle Program will present an educational seminar entitled, “Bone Health,” by Family Physician Sujittra Niyakorn, MD. The program will be held from 10 to...
The 3rd Annual Senior Health Fair at Banta was a Success with Many Screenings and Resources for Seniors
The 3rd Annual Senior Health Fair was held on Friday, June 4th at the Village Park Enrichment Center at Banta in Valparaiso. The event was put on by a partnership between Home Helpers and Village Park. Kathleen Luken, owner of Home Helpers, said...
Diabetes on the Rise
From the May 2010 Senior Circle publication Seniors at higher risk The rate of new cases of diagnosed diabetes rose by more than 90 percent among adults over the last 10 years, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
Hebron Senior Center Expanding Days of Operation
Starting Thursday, July 1, the Hebron Senior Activity Center (611 Main Street) will be open 5 days a week, Monday through Friday. The Hebron Senior Activity Center opens at 8 a.m. Bingo and cards are played before and after lunch which is served at...
Wondering? Questions About Healthy Aging
From the May 2010 Senior Circle publication Q: Is bruising more common as we age and when is it a reason to consult with a doctor? A: Yes, it’s common to experience easy bruising as we age, according to Sangeeta Sehgal, MD, with Portage Medical...
PCACS Hosts Free Presentation on “When Should Seniors Visit the ER?”
Porter County Aging & Community Services will host a presentation on “When Should Seniors Visit the ER?” by Dr. John Johnson, MD on Tuesday, May 4 at 2:30 p.m. at Pines Village Retirement Communities (3303 Pines Village Circle, Valparaiso)....
VNA “Senior Moments” Free Presentation – Elder Abuse
The Visiting Nurse Association of Porter County will present "Elder Abuse" at locations in Lake and Porter Counties in May. This informational program will discuss what constitutes elder abuse and what can be done to prevent or stop it. May 6 at...
Porter Health System’s Senior Circle Program Presents “Supermarket Survival” Program
Porter Health System’s Senior Circle program will present an educational seminar, “Supermarket Survival” by Porter Dietitian Jill Kilhefner at 12:30 pm, on Tuesday, April 20. This two-part event will begin with a heart-healthy lunch at...
Joint Camp
From the March 2010 Senior Circle publication Get back to living The patient’s on Porter’s 3 West Orthopedic Unit are not sick. In fact, they’ve chosen to come to Porter for joint replacement procedures to begin living more active lives....
Porter County Triad Sponsors Annual Spring Forum
The Porter County Triad is sponsoring the Annual Spring Forum on Thursday, April 22, 2010, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. This free event is open to area seniors, as well as individuals and organizations concerned about senior issues. Come hear about Fire...