We are part way through our first virtual, inclement weather day! Here are some pictures that I have received from families working on their online assignments for the day (feel free to email me your photo at stacey.schmidt@ptsc.k12.in.us). Our...
Dr. Stacey Schmidt
Porter Township Schools Weekly Update, What Great Resources
PTSC Food Service Website Did you know that our PTSC Food Services Department has an awesome website (click above for a direct link)? There is a lot of great information on the website that you will find useful. Need to see a menu? It's there! Need...
Porter Township Schools Weekly Update: Virtual Snow Day Make-Up Days
As was in our PTSC Weekly Update last week and also in letters sent home from your child's school--we have been working hard to be ready to do Virtual (online) Inclement weather days should we have another day when the weather or conditions are so...
Porter Township Schools: Winters in Northwest Indiana
Winter has arrived in Northwest Indiana! As we all know, that comes with snow, blowing and drifting snow, snow-packed roads, ice, wind, cold temperatures, and cold wind chills. As part of this, we all throw on many layers, cover exposed skin, keep...
Porter Township Schools Weekly Update: Congratulations, Mr. Corman!
As you may have heard, Mr. DeRossett has accepted a position that began January 1, 2015 achieving his goal of becoming a superintendent. It is always wonderful to see someone work so hard and accomplish the desire of his heart--and we should...
PTSC Weekly Update: Winter Break so Soon?
Winter Break so Soon? Remember those days when summer seemed to last forever and time didn't seem to move so quickly? I can't believe we are already in the last few weeks of our first semester and headed into our winter break. While I believe...
Strategic Planning: Facilities (Part 2)
This week I decided to use the weekly update to address some feedback I had following last week's update on facility needs. I will list a question and then an answer below in blue. I have grouped similar questions together to allow for more succinct...
Porter Township Schools Weekly Update, Strategic Planning: Facilities
Last year we worked on building a strategic plan for PTSC. Under the area of Finance and Operations one goal was as follows: Goal Statement: PTSC will invest in our facilities and staff to optimize the quality of the learning environment and...
Great Health Resources: PTSC Weekly Update
Heather Lint, Director of Nursing at PTSC, has been hard at work updating the PTSC Health Services website. When you visit our main webpage, click on "Services" in the left column and then pick "Student Health" to find many great resources. It is an...
Speak Up Survey: PTSC Weekly Update
Students, parents, educators, and community members are invited to participate in the Speak Up 2014 Survey. This survey gathers valuable data from across the country. When you go to the website, click on your group (students, parents, educators,...
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